Invisibility in the Legal Profession

“Historically speaking, we went from being Indians to pagans to savages to hostiles to militants to activists to Native Americans.  It’s five hundred years later and they still can’t see us.  We are still invisible.” 

– The Late John Trudell, Santee Dakota author, poet, actor, and musician.

Invisibility in national studies about the legal profession is problematic for our Native American community. In the legal profession, invisibility will negatively affect the number of natives that enter the profession and the number of natives that remain in the profession. Invisibility will also affect a Native American lawyer’s career in terms of wage disparities and career advancement. These studies matter a great deal for Native Americans.  In order to truly move the needle in terms of inclusion of Native Americans in the legal profession, these studies need to contain the perspectives and voices of Native Americans. 

Native Americans Law Students were not effectively included in The Center for Women in Law and The National Association for Law Placement Foundation Study entitled, “Women of Color – A Study of Law Student Experiences.”

Native Women’s Law School Experiences: Reflections, Truth-telling and Calls for Change